「持ちつ持たれつ」:互いに助けたり助けられたり。(from Kotobank)
Transactional translations of this phrase might run something along the lines of “Give and take” or “You scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours.”
Though we no doubt sometimes support each other in transactional (perhaps even selfish or collusive) ways, my own sense of the phrase 「持ちつ持たれつ」 is that in many cases it should be translated as something closer to “mutual care and support.”
When I started hearing about “mutual support” groups, networks, communities and similar concepts in the English-speaking world a few years ago, I was immediately reminded of 「持ちつ持たれつ」.
Inter-dependence is a fundamental condition of human existence.
”Inter-dependability” emerges from the ongoing choice to make the most of our inter-dependence by consciously choosing to be there for (ourselves and) each other.
© Dana Cogan, 2024, all rights reserved.